Driving tips

Tips and advice for young drivers on all aspects of driving - from handling new challenges, to saving money

Top 5 scariest roundabouts in the UK

Are you brave enough to tackle these complicated roundabouts? Practice makes perfect after all, and the satisfaction of knowing you can handle these is pretty sweet.

Improving your driving - cornering

Cornering is one of the most common issues flagged amongst young drivers. Find out Marmalade's top tips on how to avoid cornering events and improve your driving score.

Car driving at night

If you’re worried or anxious about driving in the dark or driving at night, here are some top tips for you!

The laws on driving with pets in your car

Driving with your pets is great - but there are some things you need to do before you set off. We're here to help you keep your pets safe in the car.

Tips for nervous new drivers

If you're new to the road and feeling anxious, we're here to help with some top tips to combat those fears on the road.

Smart motorways - what you need to know

We're answering the most common questions about smart motorways in the UK!

Improving your driving - driving at a safe speed

Find out how you can improve your driving score with our top tips on how to obey the speed limits.

What do young drivers find most scary about driving?

We recently carried out a survey on 17-24 year olds to find out what the biggest anxieties are for young drivers living in the UK, discover the results here

Losing driving confidence after an accident

Saffron experienced a serious car accident which knocked her driving confidence. Hear what happened and how she rebuilt her confidence on the roads!

Top tips for driving in rush hour

Discover our 6 top tips to help stay calm and focused when driving a at the busiest times of day

Pros and Cons of taking your car to University!

Heading off to uni this year? One thing you may be considering is - should you take your car?

The first drive after a break

Getting back behind the wheel after a break can be daunting - here's Meg's top tips to help!

I was involved in a car accident!

For new drivers who are involved in car accidents, hearing first hand stories can help! Here's what happened when Liam was involved in a crash.

What to do if you hit an animal whilst driving

Here's some helpful advice on what to do - and how to avoid it in the future.

The first time driving alone

Read how our guest blogger, Meg, got on with her first time solo behind the wheel!

How to replace a lost driving licence

Follow our step by step guide to replacing a lost or stolen driving licence

UK Coastal Road Trips

A recent survey, conducted by Marmalade, revealed 68% of young drivers were looking forward to taking a trip to the coast this summer. Find out Marmalade's top destinations!

Tips for Driving with Diabetes

If you are wondering if you can still drive with diabetes, the answer is generally yes. Here are some tips to stay safe and well on the road.

Back to work driving anxiety

Worried about the commute to and from work post-lockdown? Here are some top tips to help settle those nerves.

Still unsure which cover you need?

Let us help you find the insurance for you in under 60 seconds!
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