Third Party vs Comprehensive Insurance

When looking for insurance, you'll see different terms flying around. We're explaining the difference between Third party, fire & theft and Comprehensive cover.


By Marmalade Author

Updated on Aug 4th, 2022

Looking at getting insurance for the first time is scary and confusing, and there are probably many terms flying around that you’ve never heard of, or at least, have no clue what they mean – and comprehensive, third party, third party fire and theft, all fall into the land of ‘what are you talking about’ for first time drivers. To make it clearer, and so you know which is best for you, we’re outlining what they are and what you can expect choosing one or the others.

The different types of insurance cover

Generally, insurers will give you the option between 3 different types of cover. They are:

  • Third party
  • Third party, fire and theft (TPFT)
  • Comprehensive

It’s worth noting that many insurance companies no longer offer Third party only cover, and TPFT is the lowest level of cover they will go to. Because of that, we’ll be looking at the pros and cons of TPFT and Comprehensive cover in this blog, to help you when it comes to making the decision.

Third party, fire and theft

TPFT is the minimum amount of cover many insurers will provide you with (unless you’re able to get Third party only cover), and you need this to legally drive in the UK. If you get into an accident, your insurance will cover losses to any third party vehicles or property, but any damage to your own car will not be covered and you have to stump up the costs to fix. If your car is involved in an accident with fire or it is stolen, you will also be covered.

Comprehensive cover

Also known as fully comprehensive, this insurance cover is one of the higher levels of cover you can get on your car, and includes all of the features of TPFT as well as cover for paying out for damage on your own car in the case of a claim, even if you’re at fault.

Is comprehensive cover more expensive?

You’d be forgiven for thinking that comprehensive insurance is more expensive than TPFT, however, this is not always the case. Insurers may put the price lower on a comprehensive policy, as you’ll be deemed more responsible for choosing the higher level of cover. It is worth always checking the prices of the different cover options available, as more protection may be cheaper than you think.

If comprehensive cover is more expensive, it’s still worth considering. Would you be able to afford to replace or repair your own car in the event of an accident? If the answer is no – it may be wise to part with a bit of extra money on your insurance to cover you should you need it!

Other ways to save on car insurance

Whilst your level of cover can determine the price you pay for your insurance, there are many more factors that will go into the price you pay, and of course, a big one on this is to get a black box insurance policy – one of the best ways to keep insurance costs low for young drivers. What’s even better is with Marmalade, all insurance policies are of comprehensive cover as standard!

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By Marmalade Author

Providing tips and advice for young drivers on all aspects of driving - from getting through the driving test to buying and running your first car.

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