There’s a reason black boxes are popular amongst young drivers – the tracking technology allows drivers to record their journeys and driving behaviours, so they can earn a more personalised premium at renewal.
Our black box insurance comes with an app, which is where you can see your journeys and driving score, and those journeys are measured by 3 levels, which result in your total driving score.
Drivers with our Pay As You Go policy will follow the same warning process, however, would not incur the £125 or £250 increase, as top-up prices vary depending on driving score. The higher the driving score, the lower the top up price.
When are penalties given, and why?
‘Green’ and ‘Amber’ journeys do not attract penalties, while ‘Red Journeys’ could do, if you repeatedly drive at risk. However, if that was to happen, we’d communicate with you and explain the next steps. We will try and help as much as we can to prevent there being a need to take any further action.
How are the journeys measured?
The three journey levels are:
Green journey
Three to five stars
Amber journey
Two stars
Red journey
One star
Green journeys
Staying ‘Green’ is definitely the way to go, as we will not need to take any further action or make contact. Plus, our safest drivers can earn an extra safe driving discount on renewal!
Amber journeys
An ‘Amber’ journey is not disastrous – it will highlight some minor concerns which have resulted in a score falling below the required standard, and the feedback provided in the app identifies areas for improvement.
Red journeys
‘Red Journeys’ are the ones to avoid, as if they continue to occur, they can attract premium increases (of £125 and £250 on our annual policy) and can lead to the policy being cancelled. Don’t worry though, you receive two warnings before it would get to this stage – plus the chance to undertake a Young Driver Improvement module with IAM RoadSmart.
Marmalade caution and premium increase process
All annual and pay as you go customers follow the stages outlined, however, pay as you go customers will not incur a premium increase, as mileage top-up prices reflect the driving score.
The first red journey
The first red journey’ that occurs is deemed as a ‘Free Warning’. We send you notification of the journey so that it may be reviewed, and we call to talk through and explain the issues which led to the score falling.
The second red journey
If there is a subsequent red journey, after the free warning has been issued, we will issue you notification that you will enter a probationary period, known as Stage 1, which lasts for 30 days.
The third red journey
During Stage 1, if you have a further red journey, annual customers will be offered one of two options.
Option 1: Pay £85 to undertake a Young Driver Improvement module with IAM RoadSmart (subject to availability).
Option 2: An additional premium of £125 will be payable on the policy.
It's important to note that any additional premium collected as part of the Red Journey process is non-refundable and not included when calculating a cancellation return premium, whether you cancel your policy, or we do.
Good to know...
Less than 2% of journeys driven by our customers are red journeys - so these unsafe journeys are rare. Over 95% of journeys driven are green!
Stage 1 - After the second red journey
After you have a second red journey, you will enter this stage, and a probationary period of 30 days.
If you do not have a further red journey within this 30-day period, the probation will expire, and the policy will continue. You will remain in Stage 1. A subsequent red journey (outside the 30-day probationary period) will result in a new Stage 1 notification being issued, during which you’ll start another 30-day probationary period.
If you do have a further red journey whilst you are in a 30-day probationary period, annual customers will be required to pay an additional premium of £125 on the policy. However, if this is your first red journey in Stage 1, you will be offered the option to book and pay £85 to attend a Young Driver Improvement module with IAM RoadSmart (subject to availability). This is a 75 minute on-road driving module with an instructor.
What happens when I take the Young Driver Improvement module?
If you take up this option, we will give you the contact details to arrange an appointment with IAM RoadSmart within the next 3 working days. They will work with you to arrange a convenient time within 28 days to conduct the module.
The session will take place in your car around your local area. It will provide training on management of speed, cornering, braking and acceleration as well as hazard awareness and planning. At the end of the module, you’ll receive verbal and written feedback and a detailed report on your driving style and skills.
Once you’ve completed the session, you will return to where you were after your ‘free warning’, and it will be as if you had not entered Stage 1. However, if you do have a further Red Journey, you will be entered into Stage 1 for 30 days. If you have a subsequent Red Journey while in this 30 day period, you will be required to pay the premium increase - even if you have taken the Young Driver Improvement module.
What happens when I am required to pay the £125 premium increase on the policy?
Once the additional premium of £125 is applied to the policy, you will have 7 days to make payment in full – it cannot be added to a monthly direct debit plan, where one exists. If payment is not received within this time, you will be issued notification that the policy will be cancelled. We will confirm, in writing, that the policy will be cancelled 7 days from the date of us notifying you in writing.
Once payment of the additional premium of £125 is received, you will be entered into Stage 2. Any additional premium collected as part of the Red Journey process is non-refundable and not included when calculating a cancellation return premium.
Stage 2 - following a red journey during stage 1
Stage 2 begins with a probationary period of 60 days. Once you have been placed in Stage 2, you will remain there – you cannot go back to Stage 1.
During this time:If you do not have a further red journey within this 60-day period, the probation will expire and the policy will continue. You will remain in Stage 2. A subsequent red journey (outside the 60-day probationary period) will result in a new Stage 2 notification being issued, during which a further 60-day probationary period will be applied.
If you do have a another red journey whilst you are in a 60-day probationary period, annual customers will be issued notification that a further additional premium of £250 will be applied to the policy. You will have 7 days to make payment in full – it cannot be added to a monthly direct debit plan, where one exists.
If payment is not received within this time, you will be issued notification that the policy will be cancelled. We will confirm, in writing, that the policy will be cancelled 7 days from the date of us notifying you in writing. It's important to note that any additional premium collected as part of the Red Journey process is non-refundable and not included when calculating a cancellation return premium.
Stage 3 - following a red journey during stage 2
Stage 3 begins with a probationary period of 90 days. Once you have been placed in Stage 3, you will remain there – you cannot go back to Stage 2.
If you do not have a further red journey within this 90-day period, the probation will expire, and the policy will continue. You will remain in Stage 3. A subsequent red journey (outside the 90-day probationary period) will result in a new Stage 3 notification that your policy will be cancelled.
Cancellation of the policy
If you do have a further red journey whilst you are in a 90 day probationary period, you will be issued notification that the policy will be cancelled. We will confirm, in writing, that the policy will be cancelled 7 days from the date of us notifying you in writing.
Of course, we hope that it will not be necessary to cancel your policy, and we do not set out to obtain further payments from you. These measures are purely there as a deterrent and a means of demonstrating there could be consequences for not driving safely. It is in everyone’s interests to stay ‘Green’, and we are here to help you achieve that.
Please note: Any additional premium collected as part of the Red Journey process is non-refundable and not included when calculating a cancellation return premium, whether it's you or Marmalade that cancels the policy.

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