6 reasons to pass your driving test before leaving school

Why wait to pass your driving test? Here's 6 reasons to pass your test before you leave school!


By Marmalade Author

Updated on Sep 2nd, 2022

With an overflowing schedule and a fresh burst of motivation, back-to-school season is here. You may be thinking, with everything going on this last year of school, “should I get my driving licence before I leave school?” Here are a few good reasons to take the plunge and get it done!

You have a better chance of passing at 17 & 18

Surprisingly, learners who take their driving test at 17 are more likely to pass than those who are older! Department of Transport data shows that the average pass rate of someone aged 17 was 63.5%%, then it goes to 53.7% at 18, and 48.2% at 19. Statistically, the older you get, the lower your chance of passing becomes – so get in there as early as possible to try and avoid paying for more than one driving test!

You could save money

If you’re still living at home, sharing the family car whilst learning to drive means you won’t have to fork out for your own set of wheels! It also means that if you choose to get an annual or pay as you go insurance policy on a parent’s car , you’ll could also earn your own No Claims discount.

Better job prospects

Passing your test before leaving school also helps with job prospects – not just once you’ve left school but gives you more flexibility to pick up some part-time work whilst you’re still studying. You won’t have to rely on Mum or Dad to take you to and from your part-time job if you’ve passed your test - you can take yourself! It also goes without saying that having a driving licence will give you better job prospects once you’ve left education too.

Get that independence

As you prepare for the final year of your school life, you’re finally seeing the light at the end of the ‘teen’ tunnel and will soon be a fully-fledged adult. Yes, this comes with responsibility, but it also comes with a newfound freedom, and driving is a huge part of that. You gain your own independence when you can drive and no longer have to rely on public transport or the taxi of Mum & Dad.

Get help from parents

If you pass your test whilst you’re still at school and still living with your parents, they can be on hand to help you in your driving journey! They’ll likely have years of experience on the roads so can help you with your revision as a learner, take you for private practice, increase your driving confidence, and so much more.

It’s one less thing to worry about

The final year of school is full of big milestones - such as exams and deciding which University you want to go to (if any!), but we think it’s still a great time to learn to drive. Before you move away from home and have to count every penny for your student shop, before any major responsibilities – and expenses – hit, getting that driving licence under your belt means you’ll have one less thing to worry about in the future and for life after school.

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