Marmalade blogger guidelines

Thank you for joining us! We love hearing stories from young drivers just like you. Don't worry - we're not expecting you to be professional writers or photographers, let your personality shine through with the tasks you do. Here's some guidelines to help

young man on laptop

Blog posts - What should I write?

Keep it clean

It goes without saying, we won’t allow any bad language on our blog posts. Of course, we check everything over before it goes live, so help make our jobs easier and leave out any swearing.

Sending us your blog

Once you’ve accepted your blog assignment, please complete your blog within the time frame stated when accepting the task. On completion of your blog – please send it to [email protected] with a landscape photo.

Photos - What should I snap?

What type of photo shall I take?

Firstly – we’re just as happy with a photo taken from your phone, as we are from an all-singing, all-dancing camera. You’ll be advised of the subject or type of image we require – however, we want your personality to come across, so we don’t set strict rules on camera angles or positioning – so we’re as happy with a selfie as we are of photos of the car you’re driving, or an image taken by a friend of you. We’re keen to share photo’s that get across your driving lifestyle and what driving means to you!

The photo

Please provide us with a landscape image, unless advised otherwise. The quality of the images you send is important. Please ensure the image you send is in focus (and as sharp as possible).


When sending your photo’s over to us, make sure they are original images. You will hold the copyright, but we need to make sure we’re getting original content out there, under our name.

Keep it clean

It goes without saying, we won’t allow any bad language, offensive or disrespectful images on our social media and website. Of course, we check everything over before it goes live, so help make our jobs easier and keep things clean within your images.

Videos - What should I film?

What are we looking for?

You will receive a brief on the topic we would like you to film a video about – we don’t want to restrict your creativity, but please ensure the video relates to the brief we provide. Of course, we don’t want you to video anything whilst driving – but chats about your experiences or having someone film you behind the wheel is great! Before you start filming – please make sure you’re filming the video in landscape. A smartphone is an ideal way to make a short film if you don’t have a digital camera. Avoid using a Go-Pro if you are recording a clip with sound, as the microphone can be poor.


The quality of the videos you send is important; ensure they are in focus, and that you can clearly see what’s going on. Try and keep your videos concise, if you are not in the video itself, please narrate what is happening (if it isn’t clear in the footage)

How long should the video be?

A video clip anywhere between 1 and 5 minutes works well. We want to keep videos short and to the point, so they can be watched on the go! If you're set a task which involves a lot of footage, we will ask that you cut this down yourself. If you don't have the tools to do this - let us know!


We will use the video footage you supply to us for social media and YouTube content. When you send footage over to us, please make sure it is something you or a friend has filmed. You will hold the copyright, but we need to make sure we’re getting original content out there, under our name.

Keep it clean

It goes without saying, we won’t allow any bad language or offensive footage on our social media and website. Of course, we check everything over before it goes live, so help make our jobs easier and keep things clean within your videos.

Sending us your video

Once you’ve accepted your video assignment, please complete the task within the time frame stated when accepting the task. Please send it via WeTransfer to [email protected], with a landscape photo.

Instagram takeovers - What will I do?

Length of time

You can take over our Instagram for a day, or a working week at a time (Monday-Friday). If you’ve got an exciting week coming up, with lots of events, then why not show our followers your journey throughout the days? If you’ve just got a couple of things going on, or you simply want to try your hand at taking over an Instagram account, then maybe a day is best! Your images for the Instagram takeover should be sent to [email protected], with an appropriate caption for each. These will then be put into a schedule and posted for the amount of time the takeover is agreed to.

What works well?

Whatever stage of driving you’re at - there is someone in the same position as you, and sharing those real-life stories of your driving struggles and successes are what other young drivers want to hear. If you’re car shopping, having a driving lesson or practising for your theory – why not show our followers what you’re up to? Whether you decide to post on our feed or story, it's good to let your personality shine through!

What pictures should I use?

We need you to be posting original content on our Instagram feed. Don’t worry, you will hold the copyright, but we need to make sure your content is being published through our name on the Instagram account. This means you won’t be able to publish these images on your own social media channels or website. You’re more than welcome to share/regram it from our account!

Keep it clean

It goes without saying, we won’t allow any bad language or inappropriate imagery on our social media. Although you will be logged into our Instagram account, we will monitor everything that is posted, and if there are any images that do not meet guidelines, your participation within this program will be revoked.
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