Section orange curve

This is body text and this is a link. Content in here should always be centre aligned. I wonder how much content I can put in before it will spill onto another line, maybe we will need to specify some widths? No thats just right, lovely.

Section orange gradient

This is body text and this is a link.

Any driver over 25 who has held a valid full UK driving licence for at least 3 years can supervise a learner while they’re practising. It doesn’t necessarily need to be the car owner, as long as they have permission and are qualified to drive the vehicle you are using. Bear in mind, if their licence is for automatic vehicles, they can’t supervise you in a manual car.

Section Secondary container

Makes a white background, the text is grey

This is a link

Section grey curve

but there is no curve, assume its to go under a Home web banner.

This is body text and this is a link.

If you’ve chosen a telematics policy with Marmalade, the Marmalade Insurance App, paired with your smart telematics tag, allows you to get in the driving seat and develop your driving skills – whilst also helping you to earn your No Claims Discount at renewal. You’ll be sent a link to the app once you take your policy out, and can start viewing your journeys as soon as you’ve installed your tag on your windscreen. The app is available via the Apple and Android app stores.

The tag couldn’t be easier to fit as it’s self-adhesive. Simply stick it directly onto the inside of your windscreen, behind the rear-view mirror. Once fitted, you should link it with your smartphone by following the instructions on your Marmalade Insurance App. As part of this, it’s important you enable location services and notifications to ensure they pair properly – you’ll also need to ensure Bluetooth is enabled on every journey. Once this is done, you are ready to go!

Section Primary container

Makes a white background, the text is grey

This is a link

Section Tertiary container

Makes a white background, the text is grey

This is a link

Stunning tabbed table

This is a tabbed list, it is split into 2 columns and includes nice things to do:

  • Bike ride
  • Camping
  • Fishing
  • Gardening in summer
  • Swinging in the park
  • Bird watching
  • Eating chocolate

What happens if I split the columns in the middle of all the text

  Your Excess (up to)  Your Annual Claim Limit  Cost Per Year 
Type One  £300  £600  £40.95 
Type Two  £600  £1,200  £61.95 
Type Three  £750  £1,500  £79.95 

Bacon ipsum dolor amet turducken pastrami corned beef hamburger, ground round picanha ham capicola chicken pancetta chislic cupim sausage. Swine shankle shank fatback. Strip steak pancetta cupim cow bresaola kevin. Corned beef flank short ribs turducken, venison turkey pork loin pancetta. Ball tip buffalo prosciutto pork belly, porchetta fatback turkey.

Shankle picanha biltong, burgdoggen cupim strip steak short loin pork loin rump beef andouille pastrami jowl ham hock pancetta. Alcatra short loin pork chop shoulder. Pig kielbasa landjaeger chuck pastrami turducken jowl sirloin shankle spare ribs pork chop ball tip tongue. Pork belly shoulder jerky swine turducken salami, tenderloin meatloaf cow kevin ham hock tongue drumstick sirloin. Ball tip picanha shankle kevin shoulder buffalo leberkas venison.

Ham hock

Bacon ipsum dolor amet turducken pastrami corned beef hamburger, ground round picanha ham capicola chicken pancetta chislic cupim sausage. Swine shankle shank fatback. Strip steak pancetta cupim cow bresaola kevin. Corned beef flank short ribs turducken, venison turkey pork loin pancetta. Ball tip buffalo prosciutto pork belly, porchetta fatback turkey.

Shankle picanha biltong, burgdoggen cupim strip steak short loin pork loin rump beef andouille pastrami jowl ham hock pancetta. Alcatra short loin pork chop shoulder. Pig kielbasa landjaeger chuck pastrami turducken jowl sirloin shankle spare ribs pork chop ball tip tongue. Pork belly shoulder jerky swine turducken salami, tenderloin meatloaf cow kevin ham hock tongue drumstick sirloin. Ball tip picanha shankle kevin shoulder buffalo leberkas venison.

Ham hock

How many tabs is too many tabs? 
Starting to look a bit rubbish on mobile now

Frequently asked questions

Time to book a holiday. 45 thought-provoking questions to ask yourself.

Book a holiday

In these small thought-provoking booklets, Nicky Gumbel tackles the answers to key questions people may be contemplating.



Get covered

Get a quote for your learner insurance. The hassle-free comprehensive cover is flexible, easy to arrange and sits alongside the main insurance on the car.

Get a quote


Get practising

Practice in a friend or family member’s car – with no risk to the car owner’s No Claims Discount. Need extra practice? Just take out another policy to extend your cover while you get ready for your test.


Pass your test

Previous Learner Driver Insurance customers are eligible for 10% off their next Black Box Insurance policy, Student Car Insurance policy, or the first 500 miles of Pay As You Go Insurance, based on using the same details.

Where did the Marmalade journey start?






Marmalade helps thousands of young drivers get on the road, from learning, through to passing and buying their own car!


Black Box Insurance


Named Young Driver Insurance

Just passed symbol

Student Car Insurance