After passing your test, the next step you’ll probably be thinking about is buying a car – but is this the right time for you to do that? We’re looking at things to consider after passing your test. You may want to rush into buying your own set of wheels, but is it the best way to go?

How much money do you have?

It goes without saying that buying a car, costs money. Whether you’re looking at getting a brand new one on finance, or a second hand one, it doesn’t come cheap! After passing your test, work out how much money you have for a car, and what fits within your price range. You also need to determine if you can afford monthly repayments if you go down the financing route.

If you’re looking at your bank balance and you’ve realised there’s little chance you can buy your own car right now, there is an alternative… borrow a car! Or more specifically, borrow your parent’s car. Marmalade’s Named Young Driver Insurance was designed to help new drivers at this awkward stage of your driving journey – when you’ve passed your test and want all the freedom, but don’t have the money for your own set of wheels just yet.

How much will you be driving?

After passing your test, it’s good to try and work out how much you’ll need to use a car. If it’s for a long daily commute, or if you’re working awkward hours, then getting a car of your own and having an annual insurance policy in your name may be the best option, as you’ll have full flexibility to use it as and when it needed – this is where our Black Box Insurance is a great option!

How much will the insurance cost?

Insurance prices for young and newly qualified drivers can be high – this is because statistically, they’re more likely to have an accident. If you’re thinking about buying a car, it’s something you need to look into before you do. Do your research and see which cars are cheaper for young drivers to insure – before you fork out for your dream car!

If you’ve done this, and you think there’s no way you’ll be able to afford it, paying for insurance when you borrow a car can work out better financially if you don’t need to be the main driver. Our Named Young Driver Insurance that enables you to borrow a car can do more than just save you money in year one of your driving life.

Because it’s an annual policy on your parent’s car, it means you’ll start to earn your own No Claims Bonus and a cheeky loyalty discount, which can take a chunk off the price when it comes to you insuring your own car in the future.

Let’s sum up the options…

You’re not going to be the main driver, and can’t afford a car just yet

We’ve already mentioned our Named Young Driver Insurance, which is useful if you’re living at home with your parents.

You’re going to be using the car regularly, and can afford to run a car

If you own the car and you’re going to be driving it most, you need to be the main driver on the policy. Insurance with a black box  is handy for young drivers to develop safe driving skills. Putting a parent on your policy can make your premium cheaper, but they need to be added as a named driver (with you as the main driver).

If you put a parent as the main driver of the car, when you are the main driver, this is classed as “fronting” (a form of fraud), which could invalidate the insurance – and affect your chance of getting insurance in the future (it’s is not worth the risk!).

Whichever route you decide to go down, take some time and consider your options. It’s worth knowing that there are lots of different ways to get behind the wheel and you don’t have to jump into buying your own car straight away.

Correct at the time of publication. Information in this article has been gathered from various sources, therefore Marmalade cannot be held responsible for any view or opinion expressed herein.

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