One of the hardest tasks as a new learner driver is finding the right driving instructor for you. Driving instructors are important, they teach you how to drive and guide you through to your test, whilst giving you valuable life skills of staying safe on the road.
Many new drivers find a great instructor straight away, who takes them from their first lesson to passing their test. However, many other learners may not feel right with their first instructor. If this is you – stop and think – is it time for a new driving instructor?
Here are a few things to think about when you may need to change instructors:
Are you learning anything new?
When finishing your lessons, you should feel like you’ve accomplished something- this can be your 1st attempt at junctions to mastering a manoeuvre. Some lessons will go better than others but overall you should be learning something new or practicing those skills you’ve learned.
How are you progressing?
If you feel you are progressing and excited for the next lesson, you are doing well! However, if you’re on your 20th lesson and still going down quiet roads doing 20mph, there’s a problem. Unless you are really struggling with this, you should be progressing onto junctions, higher speeds, parking manoeuvres, roundabouts and more!
Do you feel ripped off?
Many instructors will arrive on time or earlier for every lesson, however, what if yours often turns up late? We can all forgive the odd occasion, but if you feel you are paying an instructor for an hour’s lesson and getting 45 minutes as they arrived late, it might be time for a change. If this is continuous, then consider your options and invest your money and time in another instructor.
Our top tips for switching instructors:
Don't feel guilty
Chances are you’re changing instructors for a good reason so don’t feel bad for switching- you deserve a good driving experience. Don’t continue to put your time and money into an instructor who doesn’t show much consideration to you and your adventure. An instructor should make you feel encouraged and excited for your journey, not make you feel bad about your driving skills and abilities.
Do your research
Before choosing another instructor, do some background research. Many instructors and driving schools will have a Facebook page, so look at their reviews and feedback. What is their pass rate like? You can also ask friends and family for recommendations if you haven’t done so already - first-hand recommendations are great. You don’t want to fall into the same trap and have a similar instructor to the one you’re trying to change from.
It's never too late to change
There are plenty of people that are in the same boat as you. Its never too late to change your instructor no matter how far you’ve come in your driving journey. Most new instructors will see how you drive in your first lesson and look for areas to progress you further and make you test ready! An instructor should be on your side to support your driving journey- not against you! It’s not a race to pass your test either so enjoy your journey!
It’s all about finding the right instructor for you and your journey. Driving is a fun journey and finding the right instructor to give you invaluable life skills can be hard, so do some research when looking for another instructor and remember it’s never too late to change instructors! Its all about your driving experience and making it as fun and memorable as possible!
Correct at the time of publication. Information in this article has been gathered from various sources, therefore Marmalade cannot be held responsible for any view or opinion expressed herein.