Failed driving test

Top 10 reasons why drivers fail their test

Find out the top 10 reasons learner drivers fail their driving test and find out how you can avoid making these mistakes!

Christmas gifts

Top gifts to buy a new driver

If you’re looking for the perfect gift for a new driver, we’ve got some great ideas right here!

Friends at festival

Top 10 car packing hacks for festivals

Struggling to fit everything you need into your car? Mr Carrington has got his top packing hacks for you here – as well as a helpful video!

Changing gears

Victims of road rage - learner driver stories

Hear real life stories from learner drivers and their instructors, dealing with abuse on the roads. Sign our petition today and help us put an end to this bullying.

Driving Ready

Dealing with road rage as a learner driver

Learner drivers up and down the UK have to deal with abusive behaviour from other road users. Here's how to stay calm and stay safe behind the wheel.

Tearing up L plates

Learners could have to wait longer to rebook tests

The DVSA has launched a consultation on a series of proposals to reduce the above-average waiting times for driving tests. We focus on the ones that impact you the most and invite you to have your say.

Speed camera

How do drivers fare across the UK when it comes to driving offences?

To find out where in the UK young drivers currently hold the most and least driving points, we submitted a Freedom of Information request to the DVLA to create the UK young drivers penalty points index.

Driving rules

New driving rules and laws - 12 things you need to know

There have been some important changes to the Highway Code and driving laws recently, here's the ones you should know about!

Woman looking at clock waiting

Everything you need to know about the UK driving test waiting times

There's lots of confusion about the backlog and waiting times for driving tests. Here's everything you need to know

Driving at night

Car driving at night

If you’re worried or anxious about driving in the dark or driving at night, here are some top tips for you!

Smart motorway

Smart motorways - what you need to know

We're answering the most common questions about smart motorways in the UK!

Skint learner

Learners spending more than ever

Learners are spending more money than ever on driving due to the ongoing tests backlog in the UK.

Speed limit

UK speed limits

Sticking to the speed limit can be tricky and finding a sign can be even harder! Find out how to tell the speed limit when there is little signage on the roads!

2021 fiat 500 hybrid

Fiat 500 Hybrid 2021 Review

Find out what a new driver thought of the 2021 Fiat 500 hybrid.

Braking on orange background

Improving your driving - braking

Read Marmalade's complete guide on how to brake safely and improve your driving scores!

Driving fears

What do learner drivers fear the most?

In a recent survey, 1,675 learners shared what they were least confident about behind the wheel.


Ask The Experts - Traffic Cop!

Your motoring law questions answered by Greg Burns from Police Scotland!

Private Practice

More theory test centres opening and booking changes

From 6th September 2021, the DVSA will be making some changes to theory test centre locations and you will see a change to the look and feel of the booking and test system.

Road trip

Top eight city road trips!

Looking for some inspiration for your summer? Check out our top 8 city road trips!

Nervous young driver

What do new drivers find most scary?

Find out what the new drivers we surveyed said they are least confident about, and what you can do if you have the same fears!

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